Phidias is Looking Future Unicorns

Fund Fidiasz FIZ is organizing a competition to select several Polish technology companies that create significant business value in the area of ​​financial services and products. The initiative is carried out in cooperation with the Impact fintech’17 conference.

The competition is intended for teams and companies operating on the market for no more than 5 years and conducting B2C and B2B activities in the Fintech area (financial and technological).

The competition is divided into four categories:
a) Artificial intelligence & machine learning
b) Client authentication & fraud prevention
c) Credit risk & social scoring
d) Others

The basic criteria for evaluating projects in the competition are:
a) creating significant, new value for consumers,
b) business competitiveness of the solution measured on a European scale,
c) technological competitiveness – the level of advantage of the proposed solution over the available solutions of the competition
d) the degree of advancement of the project commercialization,
e) quality and qualifications of the project management team

Participants may submit entries for the Competition from November 14 to December 4, 2017, by 4 p.m. Then, by December 4, 2017, the project evaluation team will invite selected Participants to individual meetings, which will take place on December 7, 2017 during the second day of Impact fintech’17.
By January 15, 2018, Participants will be informed about the decisions and recommendations of the Competition Committee.
Investment interview
In January and February 2018, investment talks will be held with Participants who have successfully passed all stages of the Competition.
Selecting the winners
The Competition winners will receive an investment proposal in the amount of PLN 0.5 to 5 million. The results of the Competition will be announced on March 31, 2018, and during the Impact’18 conference, which will be held on June 13-14, 2018 in Krakow, the winning startups will be presented.
The winners of the Competition, with whom the Fund will cooperate, can count not only on capital investment, but also on substantive support in the field of refining the market version of the product, sales and marketing, international expansion and other areas in which the Fund is competent.